For many, it’s a simple movement of joy, for others it’s a helpful guide to reading a dog’s emotions. A dog’s wagging tail is perhaps the most universal dog behavior signal for excitement, and it’s a language that all dog lovers can understand. However, a wagging tail doesn’t always equate to happiness, and understanding dog behavior can deepen your bond with your fluffy companion.
The giddy, back-and-forth tail movement that we’re so accustomed to reading as “I’m a happy dog” is multidimensional and the differences are essential for people to understand.
Why Dogs Wag Their Tails
Dog behavior is a means of communication and this is especially true when it comes to tail wagging. Body language is a vital part of a dog’s behavior and lexicon. The domestication of dogs created an extensive and practical language of grunts, head-tilting, paw-stomping, and ball-fetching. Tail wagging is the most visible and recognizable gesture of a dog.
This unique dictionary of body language has fascinated many scientists, particularly in the field of neuroscience. Scientist have explored the question: “Why do dogs communicate by wagging their tails, and what does this say about their nervous systems?”
A Natural Call for Attention
Just like a traffic officer might wave a flag to grab the attention of hurried drivers in a busy intersection, a dog uses their tail to grab the attention of another human or dog. Over time a dog’s tail wag has evolved into a sophisticated communication tool, with a wide range of meanings and movement dynamics.
It can wag in a circle like a helicopter propeller, back and forth like a 4th of July sparkler, or stand still like a curious and alert chipmunk. This allows dogs to communicate with other dogs and avoid conflicts.
Tail Talk: How to Decode Tails Wags
We’ve all wondered what the world would be like if dogs could talk, but they do! It’s up to us pet lovers and pet parents to learn their language through observation. Here are some pointers to get you started on some basic tail talk:
Tail Wag Dynamics and Their Meaning
Neutral position: The first step is recognizing your dog’s neutral tail position. This is where the tail stands still and relaxed. Recognizing this position will help you differentiate between each dog’s tail wag patterns and direction. Each dog is unique, and so is their neutral tail position.
Erect tail with minimal or quick wagging: Could denote defensiveness.
Tail tucked: The dog is displaying submission.
Wide, swimming wag: Indicates a relaxed and happy dog.
Smaller wags: Might indicate uncertainty.
Left or Right-Directed Tail Wag
A dog’s brain is asymmetrical, meaning the right hemisphere controls the left side, while the left hemisphere controls the right. Activity of the right hemisphere has been associated with expressions of negative emotions, such as aggression, and fear. The left side is the opposite and is associated with learned emotions like love, playfulness and being gentle.
Since a dog’s brain is asymmetrical, a wag that leans right could indicate trust and affection since the left hemisphere of a dog’s brain is associated with positive emotions.
Dogs Recognize a Tail Wag
What’s fascinating about this behavior is that other dogs recognize it in each other. During an experiment, dogs were shown images of a dog wagging its tail to the right and then to the left. The dogs showed different emotional responses depending on which way their tail wagged.
When the dog’s tail wagged toward the left (indicating aggression and fear) the dog who was watching had an accelerated heart rate. On the opposite side, a wagging tail to the right resulted in relaxation for the observing dog.
Other Body Parts Involved in Dog Behavior
Although a wagging tail stands out as some of the most expressive communication, other body parts on a dog communicate emotions as well. Physical gestures in a dog’s lexicon are yawning, lip-licking, and sniffing, which are stress-relieving mechanisms. These mannerisms may indicate nervousness and discomfort. Eye contact and ear positioning also communicate either happiness or aggression.
A wide tail wag to the right while paw tapping on the floor could indicate joy and excitement. Likewise, lip-licking with quick wags made with an erect tail could indicate the dog is being aggressive.
How Understanding Tail Wags Can Serve You
It’s crucial to observe a dog’s complete range of signals. By getting to know your dog and understanding their unique language, you’ll feel empowered and knowledgeable. Watch how your dog responds to different stimuli, like arriving home, receiving treats, or being scolded (just don’t be too harsh). You’ll start recognizing their language in no time!
Learning your dog’s communication pattern is a useful skill when observing their interactions with other dogs. If you’re at a dog park and you notice your dog is becoming aggressive, reading their body language enables you to react before the situation becomes worse.
Tail Wagging is Deep and Complex
There’s a lot to dig into regarding a dog’s behavior. Tail wagging is a unique trademarked behavior that traces back to the earliest stages of domestication. What’s even more fascinating about tail wagging is what it tells us about our ancestors. It’s believed that humans involuntarily bred early dogs to wag their tails to communicate, set boundaries, or express their friendship. This fact demonstrates the power of communication between dogs and humans.
But one question remains: How conscious are dogs of their tail wags? Scientists have yet to discover the answer. In the meantime, we’ll leave that for fluffy Freud and furry Jung to figure out.