We all know dogs are excellent company and offer mere humans boundless love and comfort. Top American Dog Trainer and Expert, Sassafras Lowrey, shares secrets of canine companionship and fun ideas to try together that will lead to lasting memories and a deeper bond in this brag book for fur babies.
If you are wondering how to keep both you and your dog from getting bored during these times, look no further!
From bucket lists and outings to arts and crafts Chew This Journal will inspire you to spend more time with your pup. Chew This Journal leads you through fun activities, while creatively recording your adventures in the pages of the book. This unique journal doubles as your dog’s memory keeper and activity tracker, making it a one-of-a-kind keepsake that you and your dog complete together.
This journal is sure to inspire you to be more engaged in the time you and your dog have together. Chew This Journal will help you map training goals from practical manners (not pulling on the leash or jumping on strangers) to impressive skills like mastering urban agility and parkour skills. With easy to follow training instructions Chew This Journal helps you create exciting weekly and monthly challenges and record your progress.
About the Author
Sassafras Lowrey is 2013 winner of the Lambda Literary Emerging Writer Award. Their books—Lost Boi, A Little Queermas Carol, Leather Ever After and others—have been honored by organizations ranging from the National Leather Association to the American Library Association. Ze has contributed to numerous anthologies and publications, and has recently relocated to Portland, Oregon (from Brooklyn) with their partner, and their beloved menagerie of dogs and cats.
Sassafras has been involved with dog sports and dog training for over twenty years from Competition Obedience, Dog Agility, Tricks, Rally Obedience and more. Sassafras is a Certified Trick Dog Instructor (CTDI) and has achieved the honor of Trainer of the Year from Do More With Your Dog, the first official trick dog titling organization. Sassafras currently competes with her own dogs in Tricks, Rally Obedience, and Canine parkour and plays with dog agility. Sassafras’ dogs have achieved Champion Trick Dog (the highest level of trick competition), and Trick Dog Performer titles.
Sassafras has written regularly for dog magazines for over a decade and she regularly contributes to The Bark, Dogster Magazine and Whole Dog Journal amongst other publications discussing dog lifestyle trends, news, dog health, training and behavior. Sassafras is also a pet parenting/lifestyle monthly columnist for Curve Magazine and Grok Nation. Their website is www.SassafrasLowrey.com